Thursday, November 5, 2009

Who made that scat?

Dan writes:
Someone forwarded these photos to me, of a pile of scat they found near
their house in Carlisle. They want to know if this is evidence of the
return of the Carlisle bear. (There WAS a bear in this neighborhood a
year or two ago).

Do you think this is bear scat? If not, what could have made this pile?
What was for dinner?

Dan's guess: Coyote, feasting on apple, berries, and maybe someone's


  1. I second your coyote guess. Apples were clearly on the menu.

  2. I've had two people show similar scats in Bolton asking if it was evidence of the bear thought to be seen near the transfer station a month or two ago. I think it's too small for bear scat, unless it's a cub, and what would a cub be doing in Carlisle or Bolton at this time of year without its mother.

    Apples are hard for "carnivores" to digest and result in bigger rather than smaller than usual scats. So I agree it's most likely coyote.
